Saturday, August 31, 2019

Diversification of Agriculture Essay

Diversification in this case (agricultural diversification) involves the realocation of a, or some of a farms resources, to a new product or products. The prime resource of that time being sugar and the new products being the wide variety of crops that were produced and re-introduced by peasants. Peasants are a class of people of a lower status, who depends on agricultural labour for subsistence. The peasant life could be placed and termed in different categories. According to Mintz 1961,† a peasant style of life was worked out by the people while they were still enslaved, these people were refered to as proto-peasants. † he also makes mension of runaway pesantries or marrons, whome he described as, â€Å"those who formed communities outside colonial authority, build on subsistance farming in mountainous or interior forest regions†. This research will higlight how the peasants produced a wide variety of crops and the reintroduction of old ones. The purpose of this research is to show that the diversification of the caribbean economy was beecause of peasant initiative. had it not been for their efforts, the old sugar monopoly would have prevailed in the post emacipation period sustaining a system of bankruptcy and decay. Woodville K Marshall wrote, â€Å"our pesantry starts in 1838 an comprises of ex-slaves who started small farms on the peripheries of plantation wherever they could find land – on abandon plantations and in the mountainous unknowns of various teritories. † the first aim of the ex-slaves was to move away from the forced and unpaid labour. Many others preffered to stay in their own homes amongs friends and relatives with expectations of earning enough cash to purchase certain commodoties that they were unable to gain as slaves. The feeling of complete freedom, of the plantation was only recodnise by free people if they could aquire there own lands. the simplest methods of getting propperty was to buy unoccupied land, either from land belonging to plantations which was not farmed by owner and crown lands. these crown lands was most popular in Trinidad, British Guyana and the interior of Jamaica. Land ownership also came about by squatting on unused land in the the remote interious of the large colonies. People who purchase property outright were more fortunate than squatters, they gainned written proof of ownership and the land they bought was already cleared and close to markets. however outright purchase was the exception, not the rule. The exslaves were aslo able to aquire land in other intances through missionary help. These include popular missionaries such as James Phillips and William Nibb. In 1835 Phillips, bought 10 hectares in the mountains behind Jamaica Spanishtown, subdivided the land into small lots for sale on easy term to his congregation. the new community named sligoville was the only settlement during apprenticeship. In july 1838 William Nibb shared the belief that planters would try to force extra work from their free labour by dramatically increasing rent on estate fig. 1 Newcastle, free village, in the Jamaica blue mountains. homes. William took up the mantel to help his congregation, he told them about a loan of ten thousand pounds that was granted to him by a friend from england. Knibb then said, â€Å"that sum should be apropriated to the purchase of land on which you may live if your present employer force you to quit the properties on which you now live. † Williams predictions came through, the planters acted as he had foreseen and by 1839 he was constructing several ‘Free Villages’ for labourers who did not want to risk increases in rent on the plantations. The missionary society was quite abdoman in the development of the pesantry. Upon discusing the success of the pesantry one must give an account for the stages of development which includes the period of establishment (1839 – 1850-60). This was highlighted by the rapid land ownership, and the incresing number of peasants. observers of the caribbean stated, â€Å"the great and universal object of the ex-slave was the aquisition of land, however limited in extent. † Larger population, small size and a long established sugar industry left few oppertunities for land aqusition for peasants of island territories such as Barbados, St. Kitts and Antigua. Ex-slaves from these colonies had to think emigration. However, countries like Jamaica and the Windward Islands the sugar industry left underdeveloped montainous interiors . In Trinidad and Tobago and British Guyana a small population and young industry created many oppertunities for land aquisition. Efforts of the exslaves were so successful in the named countries that emmancipation officials were reporting an almost daily increases in number of free holders. Another stage of development is the period of consilidation in which the peasantry continues its growth in numbers and most important, a marked shift by the peasants to export crop production. For example in Jamaica (only teritory with complete figures for small holdings) the number of holding between 5 and 49 acres increased from 13 189 in 1880 to 24 226 in 1902 to 31 038 in 1930. However the most important phase of the development is what Eisner calls a ‘new pesantry’. Eisner national income estimate for Jamacia for 1850 and 1890 reveal a shift from maily provison production to mixed provisions that could be exported by peasants. a very good example of income was the value of the export crops (sugar, coffee, rum, pimento, ginger) in 1850 its estimated by Eisner at 1 089 300 pounds, of which small settlement contributed 133 500 pounds or just over 10%. The variety of products continued to grow, and shares rising until the third period (1900 and beyond). At this stage the pesantry did not expand and evidence shows that it might have been contracting. Table 2 below shows an example of evidence of a decrease in peasant holdings in Jamaica. Initially, before the growth of the peasantry, ex-slaves decided to set up themselves as peasants because although slavery had ended the principle of forced labour, had only changed to contolled labour upon those who remain on the plantations. Many who stayed in hopes of becoming wage owners, plans were shattered within a few years becasue of different reasons. Amongs these different reasons the system of tenancy which compelled the slaves to labour ‘steadily and continuosly’ on the estates in return for secure residence in the house and ground which he had occupied as a slave, insecurely of tenure, as well as relatively low wages and increases in rent reinforced many ex-slaves determination to seek new and better oppertunities away from the estates accross the caribbean. a small population of the slaves were skilled which meant those who could’nt be masons, carpenters, barrel makers, wheel wrights and cart builders had to turn to the best known alternative, the ‘soil’. Only this time there hard labour would of been for their survival and not to fill their masters stock. The peasantry afforded them with the oppertunity to become wage earners. On the basis in which the pesantry was running, it was basically characterise, the pure plantation economy and society. Although the peasants were producing a great quantity and variety of subsistence food and livestock, they strove to expand their boundaries by introducing new crops and or re-introducing old ones. Bananas, coffee, citrus, coconuts, cocoa, spices (ginger and pimento), and log wood in Jamaica; Cocoa, arrowroot, spices, bananas and log wood in Windwards, were the most popular crops introduced and or re-introduced for exports. the Leewards grew arowroot as a staple export crop. It has been recorded that St. Vincent alone sold 613 380 kilograms. Small holders in Grenada exported coffee, cotton, cocoa, copra, honey and beeswax. In Trinidad squatters sold the timber they gainned from clearing crown lands for charcoal burning and export some for boat buiding and later exported coffee and cocoa. The guyanese was one of the few that was into the exportation of the rice crop. Most of the caribbean teritories were at some point in time producing certain crops for export and gathered profitable incomes. It is quit evident , that the pesantry has accumilated musch success. With the help of the missionaries and the income gainned, peasants were able to initiate the convension of plantation socities. they adapted to building local self-generating communities and used funds that they had alocated from exports along with babtist missionaries ( missionary help was popular mainly in Jamaica) who were quite abdoman in helping the peasants organise free villages and the construction of school such as Cadrinton primary school in barbados, which was run by missionaries and churches for learning and worship. They also clamoured for expansion of education facilities, communication and better maketing schemes and facilities. The peasants were able to start local co-operative movement (sou-sou, box hand and partner hand) which later develop banks some which may still be in exsistance today.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Develop Professional Relationships with Young People

Outcome 1 Due to my job role in guidance and welfare, it is not often that I am in a situation where I have a whole groups needs to think about. Much of my work is designed on a 1:1 basis, arranging time frames when I can dedicate a set amount of time to one young person to discuss their current needs and situations. However when I have been in a class situation with students, I tend to move from one young person to another throughout the lesson. I would spent 2-3 minutes working 1:1 with a pupil, working through their current task with them, ensuring they understand the work and can complete a task unaided.I would then check that they could complete the next set of answers or understand their next task and then move onto another pupil. After three or four 1:1 tasks, I would then address a table group, to check that everyone is still on task and understands what they are doing. I would then resume 1:1, returning to pupils with a higher need throughout this process to keep them on tra ck and ensure they were receiving the support they require. It is important to maintain regular input with the whole group, as well as addressing individual’s needs.This means that the whole group can stay on task and be focused as well as including every pupil in that lesson in their education. Outcome 2 Effective communication is the best way to build a positive relationship with a young person. Spoken word and body language are everyday forms of communication between people, but one we most often take for granted. Body language is probably the most important way of expressing how we feel and making someone else understand what we want to tell them. It is important to use the correct body language, give clear signals and make young people feel comfortable.I would always lower my height to that of a young person’s so that I can use direct eye contact whilst talking to them. This will help to put them at ease, as they are not being stood over by an adult. If a person i s angry or upset, this also communicates that there is no threat coming from me and that I am there to listen to them, and am interested in what they need/want to say. Spoken word should be clear and positive. Use language that the young person will understand and check for acknowledgment of what you have said. When giving instruction, ask them to repeat back what you have asked them to do, this is an effective method of checking nderstanding and confirming key points. Show that you are listening, nod your head, and acknowledge emotion, â€Å"I can see that you are angry or upset†. Paraphrase information to check your understanding and show that you are listening to what they are saying. This will build confidence in the young person to communicate with you. 2:1 – There may be times when how you communicate will need to be different; you may be dealing with situations where specific needs will require you to adapt your communication skills further: * The age of the you ng person, * The situation you are in, The personal development of the young person, * Language or Physical Barriers to communication. When dealing with such situations, clear thought should be given to how you chose to communicate. Adapt language to suit the understanding of the young person. If required use sign language or images to explain work or communication. Show that you are listening, by using positive body language and clarifying key points, or summarizing to ensure you have heard and understood properly. Try not to make assumptions either, let the young person explain, engage with the information they are telling you.If you are dealing with a situation where you think another side of the story may also have taken place, ask them, â€Å"what about this? † or â€Å"I heard that †¦. Can you explain? † this will give the young person the chance to explain and reflect on their choices, and also build up trust in you because you don’t jump to conclusi ons. If communication is planned, i. e. a meeting or mentoring session and you are aware of barriers to communication, plan before hand. For example, when dealing with a young person or adult who does not speak English as their first language, plan how you can effectively communicate.Do you require an interpreter? Can you use a computer to interpret language between you? Case Study – I have had to use Google systems before to speak with a child who spoke no English at all, when dealing with a situation that happened during lunch. This then led to me using our Sims system to show photos of pupils so she could identify children who she did not know. A letter was then translated to send home so that parents could be informed of what had happened. Translated texts are also a common use of communication between our school and some parents when English is not their first language.Thought should also be given to the environment in which the communication is taking place, if you are in a noisy place or a public area, it may be better to take the conversation to a quieter or more private place. If a meeting space is required, ensure the room is cool, there is adequate seating, all of which is on the same level, and that exits are clearly visible and accessible, ask if they are ok for you to close the door before you do so, or leave the door slightly ajar, it reduces the anxiety of being closed in and feeling vulnerable, it will also help to safeguard both yourself and the pupil/parent.The most important key to all communication is positive interaction. SMILE, talk clearly and calmly and give time for young people to digest information and respond accordingly. Don’t be afraid to correct a young person if their language or reaction is not acceptable and if a situation requires, don’t be afraid to walk away, but let the young person know you will be returning to them to talk. Outcome 3 Effective communication between adult to young person and adult to adult is not actually that different. The key points still apply to any person you have a form of communication with: 1. Smile! 2. Show Positive Body Language, . Talk clearly, calmly but assertively, 4. Show active listening, 5. Show acknowledgement for emotions and 6. Confirm understanding. As adult’s we are more aware of situations and differences and how that can effect communication. I would like to think that working within the education system also gives us a good knowledge of how best to deal with this. Cultural and social differences require some understanding of what will make the communication most effective. Will there be any barriers to understanding or language? Would two members of staff (one male, one female) have a more positive effect or make communication easier?Is there any confidentiality or child protection concerns based on the cultural or social difference of the adults involved? (Especially if discussing their child). Thought would need to be given to such barriers and ensuring you adapt communication appropriately. The situation of the communication can be the biggest variant, as meetings are not always planned or parents can arrive at the school unannounced. Conflict could be the cause of the communication taking place, which would therefore present a more challenging situation to adapt to. However for all these circumstances the basic positive interaction would still apply.The six key points above would ensure that you stayed focus, that effective communication could take place and that adults would feel that they could trust you to communicate fairly with them. Even if you disagree on something, effective communication will still build trust between you. 3:1 – There may be situations where you don’t have all the answers required or are able to offer the support needed. It would be in these situations where you could refer an adult to either: * Another member of staff, either more appropriate to the subject (spe cific subject teacher) or Senior Leadership. In house support staff, (Guidance & Welfare, or SEN) * Information on another service to contact who could offer more appropriate support or advice. Doing this would ensure that you are offering all the support and guidance that you can to an adult, you are confirming that you have listened and understood the individual’s needs and you have provided them with further support. Case Study – An unannounced adult complaint, I was called to reception because a member of the public had arrived demanding to speak with the headmaster. He was very angry because of an incident which had happened on the bus that morning. I escorted the gentleman to an office which had easy access due to his disability, and apologized for the fact that some of our pupils had behaved so badly. I then asked him to explain to me exactly what had happened on the bus; Some young people wearing our uniform had been rude to him and had purposely knocked his le g whilst sitting on the bus, after he had explained to them that his leg was pinned and he was unable to bend or move it, which was why he was sitting at the back of the bus. What had enraged him more was whilst sitting in reception the same group of boys had walked past; recognized him and then ran off laughing.I confirmed key points and wrote them down. As he did not know names, we then used the Sims system to look through photos, so that he could identify the pupils involved. I also wrote these onto the statement. I then discussed what our next actions would be and assured him that a member of the Guidance Team would be in touch at the end of the day to inform him of what had been done. His contact details were taken and I escorted him back to reception, commenting that the majority of our students are very well behaved and polite and that I was sorry he had had a poor experience of some of our pupils.As arranged, my colleague who dealt with the pupils in question, called him bac k to inform him of what had been done and ask if anything else was required of the school for him. This was a conflict situation which was dealt with promptly and effectively, leaving the gentlemen in question with a positive experience of dealing with staff at our school, and knowing that behavior is addressed appropriately and effectively by staff. Outcome 4 Too often you hear adults say to a child â€Å"Do as I say, not as I do†.I however feel this is not the most productive way to teach young people how to be responsible people. Every adult has a part to play in being a role model for the younger generation, whether you are a parent, relative or just an adult in the street. If young people see us behaving in a certain way, they will see that as being acceptable and will behave accordingly. As the adults in society it is our responsibility to teach others what being a positive role model and member of society means.Within the school setting, I find that I have adopted the guidance role in my manor when dealing with all pupils. I do not instruct pupils to do things, I not TELL them to behave a certain way. I aim to guide them into making the right choices. I treat all pupils fairly, I do not shout or raise my voice at people, and I do not use inappropriate language or actions towards people (both staff and pupils). I aim to treat people as I would expect to be treated myself, and have high expectations in this!If a young person is not compliant, I will offer choices and give clear instruction as to what each choice will lead to. It is then up to the pupils to choose their path and face whatever consequence comes from that choice. If a pupil is using inappropriate language or behavior I will address them by stating that is not the correct way to behave and thank you for not continuing to act that way. (this may need repeating! ) However being a good role model is not just about being the ‘perfect’ human being all the time. That is impossib le!Young people need to learn that all adults are people, we have bad days, days when we feel ill or tired or angry, just the same as them. The important thing is that we teach them how to behave when we are feeling like that or put in situations where we have to deal with others who feel like that. It is teaching them that it is ok to be angry, but there are still some things you can’t do, like physical violence or shouting/swearing at people. It is ok to make mistakes, but learn from them and apologize if you have done something wrong.I often talk behaviours through with young people. â€Å"Is it ok to behave like that? † they will often respond â€Å"No†. Ask them â€Å"what should you do in that situation? † 9 times out of 10 they can actually give you a decent answer, if they struggle, again give two options and ask them to choose which would be the best. This gives them ownership over their decisions but also teaches then the understanding of conseq uences for actions and choosing to make the right decisions.Being a good role model is about being a positive member of society, having manors, saying please and thank you as a matter of normality and teaching people to be responsible for their own actions, both positive and negative. If young people see the adults around behave like this all the time, they too will make the right choices and grown into positive citizens with high expectations of themselves and what they achieve. 4:1 – One would like to think that working within the education system that all the adults you work with have a like mind when it comes to working with young people and values.Encouraging adults to have positive relationships with young people, works much the same way as encouraging young people to have positive relations with each other. Leading by example is the best way to teach people how to treat each other, but sometimes it requires more than this. Mediation can be a good way of helping to rest ore negative relationships between staff and pupils, it gives them a chance to explain things to each other, reflect and restore trust in their relationship.Sometimes it can become necessary for staff to exchange helpful information with each other about how best to work with particular students. Some staff may have certain tactic that they find work well with a specific young person and can encourage other staff to use them to enhance their working relationship with the pupil in lessons. Outcome 5 All policies and procedures are clearly set out in our staff handbook, which is reviewed and republished at the beginning of each school year (September).All staff have access to this through the intranet and paper copies are kept by our DHR. Sharing information is encouraged and necessary for effective communication within school, weekly briefing meetings are held for all staff to share information and fortnightly Inclusion meeting are held to keep staff up to date with key pupils and st rategies. Confidential information is shared between key staff members: Staff information is handled by out DHR and their Line Manager, Pupil information would be dealt with by guidance and welfare staff.Staff who have a concern about a pupil, would report this to the guidance and welfare department, this would then be dealt with accordingly between the department. If child protection concerns are highlighted, this information would be passed to the Designated C. P Officers, Mr. Cooley-Greene and Mrs. Godfrey (Myself), we would then liaise between each other and our Senior Officer Miss Greenhalgh. Staff information is kept on file by the DHR, and only she has access to this information, all staff queries are dealt with by Mrs.Beynon and she is responsible for ensuring that data is protected and stored correctly. Pupil information is stored on the school Sims system. All staff have access to the information on this system, but only specific staff have access to edit or view certain p arts of the system. All C. P Files are stored in a separate file, which is password protected and a locked file. Contact details and parents information can be seen by any staff, but only edited by reception staff, all staff are aware that no information should be given out to other parents or pupils.The Sims system is password accessed so only staff who have been given access to the school system can view this information. Information is shared and reported in many different ways depending on the content. Informal concerns, or non-confidential information is usually reported through staff verbally or through email. Once the information has been dealt with a communication log on Sims, or an track of emails will be saved into the pupils file in the guidance drive. This information can be accessed by all staff and be shown to a parent in required.More significant information is often still share verbally, but in confidence, a significant event sheet, will them be completed and auction ed and again saved to the pupils file. Child protection information would be disclosed verbally to a C. P Officer, and all relevant paperwork completed and auctioned, saved either electronically in password protected files or on paper, stored in a locked C. P file. Information regarding staff would be dealt with in much the same way, again dependant on content but reported to the appropriate Line Manager or DHR.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Amara Holdings Limited

The company owns hotels and the different others residential as well as the commercial properties throughout different parts of the Southeast Asia. One of its hotels in Saigon was sold in the year 2008 (, 2016). The current trends throughout the market segments revealed that the demands of the properties are increasing in large numbers and the firm has the interest in two of the office buildings, five specialty restaurants, a shopping complex, three apartments and different residential properties.Moreover, the firm is looking forward to its expansion throughout different geographical areas with the help of developing and capturing new properties. The firm was incorporated in the year 1970 and traced its roots in the 1930s. Some of the top competitors of the firm are Keppel Corporation limited, Hotel properties limited and Wheelock properties limited.   Sales have been considered to be one of the most crucial factors which help in the establishment of any of the firm concerned.  Ã‚   There need to be effective strategies from the firm in order to entry into the new market segments for establishing its business processes (Ryz?ko, 2011). The pricing from the competitors and the selection of the geographical location for the development of the properties plays a major role in increasing the profitability in this particular industry. Therefore, Amara Holdings Limited  is planning to capture different locations in order to enhance the growth and the expansion of the business processes of the firm. (2016).  Amara Holdings. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2016]. Ryzko, D. (2011).  Emerging intelligent technologies in the industry. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 29

Leadership - Essay Example Managers study motivation behavior in order to optimize human resource towards achieving organizations’ set objectives. Different workers respond differently to motivation. This makes management a complex endeavor since different workers will follow different motivational patterns or fall under different motivational theories. This necessitates managers to study motivational behavior (Gupta n.d). Douglas McGregor developed two theories of human motivation. According to theory X, it is assumed that workers will naturally stay in idle state unless prompted to work under coercion or other forms of motivation. This calls for a lot of supervision under a hierarchical form human resource management. This theory has been criticized for lack of economies of scale especially in large organizations where much of the work force would be deployed towards managing other employees. Theory Y is a reverse of theory X. According to this theory, employees are inherently self-driven and motivated to work such that work is a natural activity. However, the theory posits that capacity is usually underutilized and therefore, it is the work of the management to use different motivational approaches to optimize the human resource. Creating a favorable work environment that would meet each worker’s expectations for motivation is the greatest challenge facing this

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Cyber Network Security, Threats, Risk and Its Prevention Dissertation

Cyber Network Security, Threats, Risk and Its Prevention - Dissertation Example The rapid change in technology has significant effects in the everyday lives of human influencing all the aspects of life such as medicine, commerce, education, and security. Information technology too seems to influence the lives of individuals similarly since it has brought improvements in the individual lives, in the family lives, in education, career, democracy and freedom and every other aspect of life where information is needed. During the 1990s, the entire world could be seen to be developed around the telecommunicated networks of computers incorporating the use of information systems and technology. The power of information is largely responsible in contributing to the spheres of human activities. Be it genetic engineering or the development of software, the information technology is enabling the progress across every field of advancement across the world (Castells, 1999, p.2). However, considering the topic of information technology, the concern for security also arises to which it can be stated that the technology has both a good side as well as a bad side to it. While IT may be used for the purpose of promotion and stability of security, on the other hand, the system can also be misused that threatens the system and its use. The positive uses of the IT come in the way it can be used to distribute and exchange ideas and strategies for security, to draw together support for harmony missions and security programs, and to put into practice and organize security plans and operations. It is crucial in every operation of the government of any country, spreading its functions from intelligence collection to command and control. Even targeting terrorists and implementation of controls over borders can be achieved through the use of IT (Denning, 2003, p.1). However the negative side of the IT reflects on its misuse and the effects of the cyber crimes that have significant concerns in every organization across the world. Information technology can be easily at tacked and taken advantage of that in turn threatens the issues of stability and security. Computers and communication systems may be jammed by any individual or groups working against goodness making use of bombs, missiles, and electromagnetic weapons. Moreover the use of media that is another part of the IT can be done by such harmful people to spread rumours and lies across a nation, or attack computer systems purposefully to steal undisclosed information or damaging data and systems (Denning, 2003, p.1). Thus technology can be said to have both its good and bad side. It is in this regard that the ethical issues are also needed to be taken into consideration. The values of ethics are considered to create a balance and serve as a platform supporting the codes of practice in businesses, medicine, national security, and other related fields. Throughout the world and in the developing countries, governments, defence industries, and organizations associated with finance, power, and te lecommunications are increasingly made targets to such cyber attacks from criminals and nation states seeking economic or military advantages. The number of attacks is now so large and their sophistication so enhanced, that many organizations are encountering difficulties in determining the threats and vulnerabilities that pose the greatest threats and risks and how they might

Monday, August 26, 2019

Understanding the Economic Impact prior to Wells Fargo Foreclosures Essay

Understanding the Economic Impact prior to Wells Fargo Foreclosures - Essay Example As a result of the crisis, many institutions, including those that are not directly involved in lending collapsed while others merged to stabilize amidst the crisisIn 2007, United States was hit by financial crisis, which emanated from a crisis in the subprime real estate loans (commonly called subprime crisis). One of the financial institutions involved in mortgage lending that stood the crisis is Wells Fargo & company, although its rating dropped since 2007, in the light of the financial crisis. In response to the crisis, Wells Fargo & company and other companies increased foreclosure filings by 2008 to the highest record in historical. This paper provides an overview of the subprime lending industry and state the economy in Wisconsin just prior to subprime crisis and the Wells Fargo Foreclosures. Discussion Prior to 1980s, people in Wisconsin, US, had only two choices for obtaining a mortgage. According to Knapp (2010), one could obtain a home loan insured by either the Department of Veteran affairs or by the Federal Housing administration. Borrowers with good credits histories would typically obtain new loans from a bank, saving and loan or any other financial institution. Knapp (2010) elaborates that obtaining mortgage loans became much easier with the deregulation of the lending industries in the beginning of 1980. For instance, the monetary control act and the deregulation of the Depository institutions in 1980 removed the restrictions that imposed a ceiling on the interest rates charged on mortgage loans. One remarkable impact of the deregulation is that it led to the introduction of new mortgage loans, which included ‘adjustable rate mortgages that were particularly favorable to mortgage borrowers who had their credit profiles impaired. However, according to Knapp (2010), these events did not lead to an explosive growth in the mortgage industry until the securitization of mortgage loans in the late 1990s. The securitization option encouraged the majority of the existing mortgage lenders to adopt a new business model which Knapp (2010) refers to as â€Å"originate to distribute† business model. This new model required that the credit risk posed by the mortgages loans was not exclusively to be absorbed by the lending institutions. Rather, it was to be shared with other investors in the world who purchased the Mortgage-backed securities. Knapp (2010) further argues that by 2006, approximately one-fourth of all new mortgage loans in United States were made to subprime borrowers while the other ratio was securitized and sold to investors in the United States and around the world. The increased demand for high-yield mortgage-backed securities among investors, including institutions such as hedge funds institutions and large banks, led the lenders to ratchet up their marketing efforts. They then came up with new products, which were designed specifically for the sector of the mortgage market in order to persuade individuals who were deemed to be of high credit risks to obtain mortgage loans. Among the most popular of these products were the stated-income† and the â€Å"interest-only† mortgages. The stated-income loan required an applicant to simply report his or her annual income during the application process of the loan (Knapp, 2010). The lender depended on the applicant’s self reported income in the determination of the size of loan that one could afford. According to Knapp (2010), many applicants for the Stated-income loans grossly overstated their annual income so that they could purchase a larger home than was economically feasible given their actual incomes. An individual who obtained the Interest-only mortgage loan was required to pay interests on his

Sunday, August 25, 2019

MIS - Global Projects Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MIS - Global Projects - Research Paper Example Oracle Corporation is ranked at position three in terms of earnings in the global software industry. The most common software products from the company include its supply chain management, customer relationship management, and enterprise resource planning software (Monk and Wagner, 2012). SAPAG is a German multinational company that is considered among the largest software companies in the World. The company mainly specialises in creating software solutions that help companies run their core functions in a much better and efficient manner. The company is revered for its enterprise resource planning software, the SAP business warehouse, the SAP business object software, and the SAP HANA (Monk and Wagner, 2012). Considering that Dual-Tech Inc specialises in the distribution and selling of electrical appliances it means that it is more likely to handle contracts and projects that are based in overseas markets and therefore, the business in general and the management team will need certain business software applications in order to smoothly run their global projects. One of the business considerations that Dual Tech’s CIO would take into consideration while deciding between Oracle and SAP solutions for global projects is the cost associated with each solution. Since businesses are inclined towards, reducing cost whilst maximizing profits it is widely expected that the management would advocate for cheaper solutions. In the survey conducted by Krigsman (2012) it was noted that SAP solutions are usually expensive and hence the reason why despite being frequently short listed in most tenders compared to Oracle and Microsoft dynamics they are rarely chosen by the buyers. Therefore, SAP will be costly to Dual-Tech Inc but the CIO will make his selection considering other factors as well. The management will consider the usability of the two software solutions or the

Immigration Outside the Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Immigration Outside the Law - Assignment Example This paper tells that while this may be beneficial to the immigrant, it is not always so for every party involved and/or affected directly and indirectly by immigration. Immigration, though good, has to be controlled and managed adequately. The United States is one the world’s largest and wealthiest economy. This status places the United States as the ideal country of residence due to the abundance of opportunities within the market. This led to an influx of immigrants from neighboring countries, especially Mexico. This potential problem was further compounded by the influx of international immigrants from nations within the other continents. It is estimated that 8.7 million immigrants were in the United States as at the end of the 2000 FY. However, as at the end of 2013, there were approximately 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States (Chomsky, 2014). This points to an alarming increase in the number of illegal aliens in the country. There has been an increase of 117% in the number of children under the age of 5 between 2013 and 2014 (Motomura, 2014). This is an alarming statistic. The current status and number of illegal immigrants have a considerable strain on the nation’s resources. This is because the country’s national budget is made considering the legal population count. However, the number of illegal immigrants stretch the country’s health sector, while increasing the level of unemployment as these immigrants have little to no education. Furthermore, this increase leads to a decrease in the level of wages as immigrants offer cheap labor.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 35

Marketing - Essay Example The goal will be to let people know that aero mobile is a service in use by some airlines since 2008. This service allows people to use their cell phones while they are in the air. For example, airline passengers can talk to their friends using their blackberries and send emails through 3G. In addition, this is very helpful for people because it saves them money. For example, when a traveler uses his own cell phone on a flight, he will pay the regular or normal rate for a call. But, if he is going to use an airplane phone, it will be very expensive, as the rate per minute for an airplane phone is as high as US$5. Also, the sound of a call will be clearer with a cell phone because the signal is stronger than an airplane phone. Moreover, we have found that the airline industry is the one industry that can use this service because this technology was specifically made for airline flights. I believe that this technology is very important in this era because there are many people who travel on long flights, and they may need to use their cell phones for business purposes. For example, business man sometimes needs to make sure his work is going on correctly while he is in flight. This service will help him to feel more comfortable because he uses his cell phone and he can talk any time during the flight.   We are sure that if the airlines start having the aero mobile in their system or planning to have it as soon as possible, they will attract more people to travel in their airlines. For example, if you have a business man and he has a chance to travel from Dubai to Los Angeles. He can travels by three airlines which are British airways, Emirates airways, and Etihad airways. He will choose the Emirates airline because they have the new technology which is aero mobile and he will has the chance to use his cell phone any time during flight even if the flight is long way.   Since we have only three Airlines are using this technology, the other

Friday, August 23, 2019

Political Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Political Topic - Essay Example Of interesting note, of those that found the crisis to be the most sever of their lfietime, the youngest group, 18-35, had the smallest percentage, 33%, compared to the over 55 age group, 42%, many of whom would have been alive during the Great Depression. Even though this group is the youngest and has the least amount of time in which to compare different crises, this smaller percentage could be in part due to the crisis affecting the financial and housing markets more, of which this younger group would be less likely to feel the effects of, as opposed to the direct effect of the price of filling up one’s tank with gas. Older Americans with assets, including owning their own house and such, would probably feel the anxiety of the financial sector being in peril. The poll found that 78% of those polled favored that some sort of government intervention be taken. Of those, 22% favored the plan that was proposed by President Bush, and 56% favored a plan different from the Bush proposal. Of those polled, only 11% favored that no action be taken at all, with another 11% having no opinion. A telephone survey was performed for this poll. There was a margin of error of plus of minus 3%. In the first set of questions asked, the poll asked what specific plan of action would they like to see done. Also, it should be noted that this poll was taken before high-intensity negotiations took place in Congress. The poll attempted to also find out to the degree at which people were following the story in the news. 80% of people were either watching the news very closely or somewhat closely, and this statistics ranked in the highest tiers as far as percentages of people following a new story. The poll also asked what the outcome would be if no action was taken by Congress, and the resounding answer was that 74% of people felt that the situation would get worse. Some of the questions tended to be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Delian League Essay Example for Free

The Delian League Essay Explain the methods used by the Athenians to transform the Delian League into the Athenian Empire. (25 marks) There is certainty no evidence to suggest that the Athenians had any long-term plans, in the years 479-470 BC, to change the Delian League into an empire, although from the beginning the potential to develop into an imperial power were there. Because from the beginning, Athens had considerable power as she was the permanent hegemon. The most important aspects involving the transformation of League into empire was the changing relationships between Athens and her allies, Pericles? mperial policy, Athens selsh self interest in gaining more power by using the Leagu   power and establishing laws onto her allies such as the Coinage Degree and the Chalcis Degree. These aspects had portrayed Athens? gradual alteration of the Delian League into an imperial power. Originally the Delian League was formed as an alliance of free and equal states. At there were only two types of members of the League; those contributing ships (larger states) and those contributing money. But over time when Persian threat were no longer in sight, allied states started to leave the League. Athens then force the allies back into the League as tribute paying subject allies. This caused these states to pay tribute with nothing in return and lost their autonomy. The event with Naxos, as they were the ? rst to leave, was a warning to other ally states of the consequences of breaking the oath of the alliance. Additionally, the use of the League? s power to reduce the state Thasos to subject status because of a personal quarrel with Athens, indicated a change in the nature of the League. And by 446-445 BC, there is no longer any doubt or pretence about Athens? imperial position. Although in the beginning, the Athenians did not aim for an empire, these events did however, depicts the starting point of the transformation of League into an imperial power. Furthermore, the boost of the deteriorating relationship between Athens and her allies can be seen between 450-446, when Athens launched a system of cleruchies, which were settlements of Athenian citizens on con? scated land of subject allied states. The establishments of cleruchies had cause much resentment from other Greek states towards Athens. According to Plutarch, this system had relieve â€Å"the city of a large number of idlers and agitators and raise the standards of the poorest classes†, but at the same time it implanted amongst the allies â€Å"a healthy fear of rebellion†. It also allowed Athens to gain more numbers of hoplites, as only Athenian men with money can become a hoplite soldier. This had increased the military force in Athens and had strengthened Athens? old on her empire, as they were located at strategic points in the Aegean. The worsening relationship between Athens? and her allies in the League is due to Athens? sel? sh self interest in developing her imperial power, and this had allow Athens to gradually grow into an empire. This sel? sh self interest can be seen after the Peace of Callias. At the aim of the League was, according to Thucydides, ? to compensate themselves for their losses by ravaging the territory of the King of Persia? but in 449 BC Persian lost the battle against Cimon in Cyprus and signed a peace treaty called   Peace of Callias. Although this meant that the League? s aim had been fullled, the Athenians argued that the Persians would strike again if the Greeks appeared weak. This argument from Athens had an underlying aim, that was so the Greeks states would not leave the League, or else Athens would lose its? power as hegemon and to continue to pay tribute to the League, or in a more accurate sense, to Athens. Athens? gradual sense of alteration of League to empire is also seen in Pericles? imperial policy. The end of the war with Persia and the 5 year truce with Sparta confronted Pericles with a major problem. Thousands of soldiers and sailors, previously away on summer campaigns and supported by League funds, were now unemployed. He used the Temples on the Acropolis that had been in ruins since the second Persian invasion as a way to deal with all the unemployments. However this required funds. Pericles then called on a Panhellenic conference of all Greek states of the mainland and the Aegean to discuss the rebuilding of all temples destroyed by the Persians and the security of the Aegean sea as an underlying intention to get support for the rebuilding of Athens? temples and for the recognition of the Athenian navy as protector of the Aegean. This excuse used by Pericles was to force the allies to continue their contributions in order to further his policies of carrying out a building program, developing democracy, and maintaining Athenian forces over a wide area. Plutarch records how Pericles? enemies, denounced his actions as â€Å"barefooted tyranny†. Pericles replied that â€Å"the Athenians were not obliged to give an account of how the allies? money was spent†, and as long as Athens provided the services paid for, she could use the surplus any way she wished. Therefore, the tribute from allies was not used for the Delian League, but to be used for Athens? interest in building up their city. By passing out laws, it had restricted Athens? allies of their freedom by obliging to Athens? rule. This is seen when Athens had passed out a Coinage Decree in 450-446 BC, enforcing uniformity of coinage, weights and measures among the members of the League. This measures had made trade much easier to handle, it was a further example of the allies? loss of freedom. Furthermore, the Chalcis Decree, issued after the Euboean cities revolted, required the inhabitants to take an oath â€Å"not to revolt against the Athenian demos† and â€Å"to be obedient to the Athenian demos†, which revealed no doubt that the original members of the League were now very much subjects of an imperial power. In conclusion, Athens? gradual transformation of the Delian League into the Athenian Empire can be seen in the deterioration of her relationship with her allies due to her arrogant actions on bene? ting her own interests, Pericles? imperial policy which further his policies of carrying out a building program, developing democracy, and maintaining Athenian forces over a wide area, but also the establishing of laws onto her allies such as the Coinage Degree and the Chalcis Degree. There is no evidence to say that the Athenians had any long-term plan in turning the League into an Empire, but according to Thucydides, Athens had â€Å"three very powerful motives security, honour and self-interest†, which were the reasons why the Athenians took control of an empire. These events and actions by Athens had led the Delian League, which was once an alliance of free and equal states, into a tyrannical imperial power known as the Athenian Empire.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Positive thinking

Positive thinking â€Å"Centuries past and still the same. War in our blood, somethings never changes. Fighting for land and personal gain, better your life justify your pain. The end is knocking†. That part of â€Å"Lost† lyric from Avenged Sevenfold maybe can help us to flashback and remind us about our behavior as human being. So much degeneration that we have done and we dont realize the effect of it. There are many aspects that can pull the trigger like violence, destruction culture, consumerism, and pessimism. World is getting old and worst when filled with that kind of people. We need a â€Å"big change†, â€Å"big change† for better future, to reduce or maybe make all of degeneration disappear. Start from myself, and then our self to make this world better. We need to do many things and step by step, such as:  · Positive Thinking Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity. It is quite common to hear people say: Think positive, to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means? So the first thing that we have to do is thinking positively. Positive thinking is the first and the main point that we have to do. Without positive thinking, all we are going to do is useless and worthless. When we start something, we must think that all we are going to do is success and worthy. And when we meet hindrance, still think positively (think about our goal, that we must reach it). Then see the result is better than usual. Imagine if we work something without positive thinking, we will feel the †pain† of process, and the result is worse than we think before. Our mind affect our behavior and mood, so never think about bad things in bad mood or bad things will come suddenly and unexpected. Bad mood plus bad situation can also made someones intend to suicide. Suicide is the common event in this life nowadays. People got stress and depressed plus negative thinking, no problem solving and suicide. We must stop it, because suicide is a big sin, and God will never forgive everyone who do the suicide. So if we want to change our bad behavior for better life and to change the world, trust to our self that we can do it, and start from small things for big change by our self. The following story illustrates how this power works: Tom applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews. His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles. During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job. Bagus applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job. In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time. He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Tom. What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our minds eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside. Positive and negative thinking are both contagious. All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity. Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment. * Change our bad habits (consumerism, destroying culture, materialism, pessimism) Pessimism is the easiest problem to solve, by positive thinking pessimism will disappear from life. Remember the quote â€Å"Nothing impossible in this world†, and it can help more effective. Consumerism and materialism are similar disease in social life. Both of them suffer young generation and made young generation becomes lazy and spoiled. The only way to clean up this mess is feeling the hardest parts in this life. For parents, dont give your children much money. Try to teach your children become normal children, not extravagant children. Also teach them to fasting so that they can feel how real world is it. Start from early age so that make good result at mature age. It really works and brilliant. And the last, destroying culture is the big deal. We need cooperation between society and law apparatus to stop this problem. Destroying culture and bullying appears when rules and norm in social life are not obeyed. * Reduce the damage of Earth Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean, and earth. Factors causing: Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Exploitation of Nature. Greenhouse Effect. Other Climate Change Earth a very important role for mankind. Together we began to think about Earth Day and for our next generation. Starting from yourself, family, environment, until finally all can participate in this action green. * Change our personality and behavior become better Personality influenced by the character of a person who carried since birth, and the everyday environment. Personality is formed and performed with the special features in the form of thinking and patterns, good or bad. According to a psychologist, bad personality can be changed by way of notice and change what we say. Less good personality usually will shine through the words of the negative, dropped or not pleasant. Our words is very important not only for other people who hear, but for ourselves. The habit of saying negative or dirty will influence our actions. The Book of Romans says that faith comes from hearing. What we say will be heard by our ears. When we heard it many times, then it will be our faith or belief. We will do what we believe. When we act poorly, then people would not like to hang out with us. A good way to control our words is to keep our hearts. The words that came out of the mouth come from the heart. Heart full of anger and bitterness will get the words out spicy and bitter. Instead, a quiet heart and peace will get the words peace, too. The Book of Proverbs says, Guard your heart with all vigilance, for the wellspring of life. There is the notion that an individuals personality may not be changed. There is also a saying that to change ones personal character, it would take the persons lifetime. In China there is even a proverb is quite funny, stated that changing ones personal character, is like iron sharpening a stick until it becomes as small as a sewing needle. Making a small needle with a way to hone an iron rod, of course, take a long time, besides that it also takes determination, perseverance, spirit, personal commitment really tough; so that one day a steel rod would really be a small needle. Well thats a true fact about the changing of a character or personality traits, which is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. I personally strongly disagree if there is the notion that a persons personal character can not be changed. If it turns out someone does not change the character himself for the better, although he has attended various training seminar or self-development training; it is no fault of seminars or training, but these people do not want change, do not want to spend a little time and energy to make change for the better. I am sure, that a mental attitude or personality traits a person must still be changed, although it certainly takes time and effort should really exceptional prime. One thing the essential truth that you need to understand, namely: personal character or the mental attitude must be changed. People are never too old or too young to be able to change his personality is more positive, better, and start a new life with a more productive, creative, innovative and courageous to take risks in achieving the desires and aspirations. A baby in the womb since would have received a lot of influences, both from the nutrients consumed by the mother; and the mental attitude of the mother during conceived him. After the baby is born into this world, influences that will attack increased in numbers in terms of quantitative and qualitative. During our childhood, until they become adults like this; often still vividly imagined how the journey of our lives, our personal growth, which is never free from the influence of our surroundings, especially the influence of the attitudes of our own parents and the people a very close relationship with us. Still fresh in reminding us, how our parents told us that unfortunately; so without them knowing it, his attitude is too fond of us that actually handcuff our freedom to express our own identity. The attitude of parents who over protective that in turn will imprison our true identity; so that we can not be ourselves. You yourself must still remember, your parents often forbid you to do the activity or activities you enjoy. If the activity or your activity is dangerous, it can be understood. But in fact, often parents forbid their children to do something only as a custom forbids only. Parents often perceive a wrong in the form of restrictions, by not realizing the negative impact of the restrictions on the future of the child. Examples of restrictions, for example: when the child wants to bathe himself, is prohibited on the grounds cant clean up his body; when the child is going to buy a pencil at the shop next door, also not to be alone, afraid to fall and lose money; when the child wants to switch on the radio own parents did not allow the reasons for the wave frequency will not be fit, or worry about his son got a shock. These restrictions, in essence is actually not believe the ability of the child, in turn, will make the child in later adulthood is also becoming a not believe in itself. Pain is not confident it will continue to rub off on the child until he grew up. Apart form of prohibitions, many parents like to express excessive resignation to the conditions existing in themselves to their children. Examples of excessive resignation can you see this as follows: one point passed in front of his house a luxury car and of course expensive, and the boy said in amazement to her parents, Pa-Ma, it is a nice car yes. I wish we had . His parents answered, Thats not our right, son. The car we just have a listen, do not need fancy, its not our livelihood, sustenance that others. As a walk through a luxury housing complex, again the boy said, Luxury and beautiful house, yes, if we also have, the parents immediately responded, Weve given a provision by God, it must be accepted and grateful. Do not be tempted by other people. Life is already a set . Thats about to be examples of parents who too submissive, nrimo ing pandum with what he already had. Unconsciously excessive resignation of these parents will actually seep into the childs mind and become a pattern of thinking in the future, later on when she was an adult. Grateful for the gift of God you must, but too resigned for what he received was an excessive manner, because it will develop character and inferior attitude within us, an attitude of contempt for himself, not trusting himself, and it will hinder success. Theres more the attitude of parents who also have not been proportionate actually, but it also has become common practice. That attitude is an attitude that tends to frighten the child. An example, for instance: Do not go to the field, then there is the snake. Watch out, the river is haunted. Be careful when dark, lots of fine spirits. Do not do that, would be wrong. And many more forms of expression of parents, which is basically also do not believe in the child, because over protective of her son. Statements of parents who tend to frighten the program will have a negative impact on mental and emotional development of the child to an adult one day. In the end it was up to her adult children to be always easy to be afraid to do something, might even be a paranoid; a form of fear of excessive and unreasonable illogical. In turn, the child becomes a private person who always not confident, an easy person shaky foundation; person who always giddy in determining the attitude, which it clearly would be prohibitive and the biggest obstacle in reaching their goals in the future. How to approach the wrong parents like these, really going to seep into the subconscious mind of the child, which eventually form part of personal character and mental attitude. Examples of attitudes of parents to children, as I mentioned above that, a very important role in shaping the mental attitude, the soul of someones personality; and formations that can be very powerful in a person due to take place in a long time, tens of years. Thus, it is to change an attitude, character or personality is not easy; takes time and effort to make change for the better. But the important thing here is: the character or personality that can be changed. Here are some steps to help us to change our personality become better: Reflect to something that have been made That does not mean you have to remember all the bad things that have been done and repeat it again, but just try to recall errors and start to plan how to change the attitudes that have hurt other people. Then promise to yourself to transform themselves into better. Begin to keep saying Indonesian quote says, â€Å" Mulutmu harimaumu†. Therefore, be careful of his own mouth. Never again hurt the feelings of other people with piercing words spoken, private practice being a pleasant and courteous manner. Listen to the advice of older people One of the things that make you like a lot of people are now able to be a good listener. Because of that, try to look at how you interact with others. Are you always dominate the conversation or not? If the answer is yes, then try to learn to listen. Do not be too busy praising themselves. Give a positive response to conversations with your people. Do not let someone else feel uncomfortable with your presence. If you have a temper, sensitive, often complain, and rarely smiled, now its time you change all the properties and change your bad personality who always expected his arrival wherever located. In conclusion, if we want to change the world and human being become better than now, we must start from ourselves, change our attitude and believe that we are going to success to change the world.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Keats’ Love for Fanny Brawne in The Eve of St. Agnes Essay -- Essays P

Keats’ Love for Fanny Brawne in The Eve of St. Agnes â€Å"For myself I know not how to express my devotion to so fair a form: I want a brighter word than bright, a fairer word than fair. I almost wish we were butterflies and liv’d but three summer days—three such days with you I could fill with more delight than fifty common years could ever contain† –John Keats to Fanny Brawne (Bate 538). As the colloquial phrase goes†¦behind every great man, lies a great woman, but in John Keats’ case, the woman is neither great nor his superior but inspires greatness in the Romantic poet. This woman calls herself Fanny Brawne. She was intellectually inferior to Keats, but her sprightly character added rich, sensuosity to his writing. John Keats always had a fondness for folklore and medieval tales. He dreamt of being a chivalric knight, riding on a white steed to rescue his damsel. In early childhood Keats would go to a rustic arbor, find his niche, and read Edmund Spenser’s â€Å"Faery Queen†: it â€Å"awakened his genius,† and â€Å"he was enchanted, breathed in a new world, and became another being† (Bate 75). Fanny Brawne is Keats’ â€Å"Faery Queen,† and her spirit inspires the sensuous, rife, and feminine qualities of â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes.† Fanny Brawne and John Keats first interacted in November 1818 at Wentworth Place. He first became infatuated and entranced in her differences from himself. While distinguishing her uniqueness, John says she â€Å"liked me for my own sake and for nothing else—I have met with women whom I really think would like to be married to a Poem (Bate 428). She enjoyed literature, art, and music, but her special interest was fashion—all the sumptuous textures, colors, and styles. Joanna Richardson describes Fan... .... He has wooed with tender, sweet kisses of poetry. Keats does likewise. Since he cannot physically show Fanny her value, he arouses her with images of â€Å"lavendered† linens, â€Å"candied† confections, and â€Å"cinnamon† succulence. The verdant, active language Keats utilizes in â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes† adumbrates his ardent love for Fanny Brawne and proves the power of poetry. Works Cited - Bate, Walter Jackson. John Keats. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1963. - Keats, John. â€Å"The Eve of St. Agnes.† The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 524-35. - Richardson, Joanna. Fanny Brawne, A Biography. Great Britain: Vanguard Press, 1952. - Wordsworth, William. â€Å"The Tables Turned.† The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Romantic Poetry and Prose. New York: Oxford UP, 1973. 128-29.

The Battle Of Blu-Ray versus HD-DVD Formats Essay examples -- Technolo

The Battle of Formats There are two new formats of DVD's coming out one is Blu-ray and one is HD-DVD, will this become the battle of VHS vs. BetaMax and which will be in your home. First, let me give you some history on both of these new forms of DVD's. Blue-ray which was invented by a group of companies called Blue-ray Disc Association. It consists of companies like Sony, Apple, Dell, HP, and many more. Blue-ray will hold 25 gigabytes and will be the same size and shape of a DVD. The only difference is that it uses a different laser which is the color blue. Now you know why they called it this. The big factor that will push Blue-ray to be in your home is that Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios, and Warner Bros will be big supporters of Blue-ray. Another big feature is that it will feature DRM which is digital rights management. Blue-ray has another form of encryption called BD+ that will allow the companies to change the encryption. This will make it very hard to make copies of their products like movies and software. HD-DVD was introduced on the DVD forum and on November 19, 2003 they decided that the HD-DVD format be the new DVD to output HD movies. HD DVD was originally called Advanced Optical Disc. Like Blue-ray it is the same size as Cd's and DVD's. HD-DVD's will only hold 15 gigabytes, 10 less than Blue-ray. HD-DVD uses a red laser to burn information and read information. This product is supported by Toshiba, NEC, Sanyo, Microsoft, HP, and Intel. Now the type of copy right protection that HD-DVD is some what like Blue-ray. They will have a Watermark Protection. All HD DVD readers will check for this watermark and if does not see the watermark it will refuse to play the disc. Manufacturers have also discusse... ...3i, spath &. Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD. 09 Mar 2005. Online. 30 Apr 2006. . Perton, Marc Toshiba and LG ink HD-DVD patent-sharing deal. 9 Feb 2006. Online. 30 Apr 2006. . Unkown Next-generation DVD battle begins. 19 Apr 2006. Online. 30 Apr 2006. . Unkown HD DVD. Online. . . Unkown Blu-ray Disc. Online. . . Additional Exercise One of my writing problems was trying to not explain the hard ware but to explain the problem with the separate patents and what the problem was. The way I had to fix this was research more on who owned what and who supports them. I am a technology geek so it easier for me to talk about how things work than to get into the business of things. This topic is a big one for me and I think it will mean more and more to people. A lot of people of new clue of this technology but yet it will be forced into there homes sooner or later.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Sound and the Fury :: Essays Papers

About The Sound and the Fury The Sound and the Fury, published in October of 1929, was Faulkner's fourth novel, and clearly his first work of genius. Now considered to be one of the strongest American contributions to the fiction of high modernism, it has generated countless critical interpretations. In writing the novel, Faulkner experienced a creative absorption and passion that he was never to forget. He said of â€Å"The Sound and the Fury†, "It's the book I feel tenderest towards. I couldn't leave it alone, and I never could tell it right, though I tried hard and would like to try again, though I'd probably fail again." The novel tells the story, from four different perspectives, of the disintegration of a Southern family. The father is unfriendly and passive, and though he clearly loves his children, he drinks himself to death. The invalid mother has no love for her children and continuously demands that she herself be taken care of. Benjy, the mentally retarded son of whom his mother is ashamed, is castrated after he begins to exhibit sexual behavior. Quentin, the troubled and romantic son, goes off to Harvard to fulfill his mother's lifelong wish and commits suicide there. Caddy, the only daughter, becomes pregnant while still a teenager and quickly marries a man who turns her out of the house when he discovers that their child is not his. Caddy is described as â€Å"loose† by many readers of the novel. Jason, the mother's favorite, loses his chance at a well-paying job when Caddy's marriage fails and he is reduced to supporting the family by working in a general store. Caddy's daughter, n amed after her brother Quentin, is brought up in the unhappy Compson household although everyone is forbidden to speak her mother's name. Quentin has her revenge upon her Uncle Jason when she steals the $7000 he has gathered by embezzling it from his mother and from funds sent to Quentin by Caddy. The family is supposed to be supported and cared for by a lazy family of black servants, led and held together by the matriarch Dilsey (the only good person I found in the book). Because of its experimental style, â€Å"The Sound and the Fury† presents a challenge for readers.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


According to Hector Avalos, religions might preach peace, love, and harmony, but establishing a textual canon or sacred site which only some have privileged access to also establishes an illusory â€Å"scarcity† which causes people to fight. This is the intent of religious leaders, but it's an inevitable outgrowth of their actions — and we can see this occurring in the context of Islam with its holy sites and cities: Mecca, Medina, the Dome of the Rock, Hebron, and so on. Each city is holy to Muslims, but while Muslims focus on what they regard as the positive aspects, they cannot pretend that the negative aspects don't exist.Moreover, even the positive aspects can be criticized as often inaccurate. The holiness of each site is associated with violence against other religions or against other Muslims and their importance has been as dependent on politics as religion, a sign of the degree to which political ideologies and parties make use of the religious concept of â₠¬Å"holiness† to further their own agendas. Mecca Islam's holiest site, Mecca, is where Muhammad was born. During his exile in Medina, Muhammad had his followers pray in the direction of Mecca instead of Jerusalem which was the original orientation site.Going on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a person's life is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Mecca is closed to non-Muslims because of a revelation Muhammad allegedly received from God, but some outsiders have entered while disguised as Muslims. Even before Muhammad, Mecca was a pilgrimage site for pagan polytheists and some argue that the Muslim practice of pilgrimage was borrowed from those ancient rituals. Some scholars argue that because Jews and Christians rejected Muhammad's message, ancient pagan practices had to be incorporated into Islam in order to more easily capture the allegiance of local polytheists.Christianity did much the same throughout Europe in order to convert pagans there. Located in the courtyard o f the Great Mosque in Mecca is a windowless cube known as the Kaaba, believed by Muslims to have been built by the prophet Abraham In the southeastern corner of the Kaaba is the â€Å"Black Stone,† an object which Muslims believe was given to Abraham by the angel Gabriel. Reports of local pagans worshipping gods in the form of stones go back centuries and Muhammad probably incorporated this practice through the Kabaa itself.Pagan rituals were thus re-told through the lives of biblical characters and so that local practices could continue under the guise of Muslim tradition. Medina Medina is where Muhammad was exiled after he found little support for his ideas in his home city of Mecca, making it the second holiest site in Islam. There was a large Jewish community in Medina which Muhammad had hoped to convert, but his failure eventually led him to banish, enslave, or kill every Jew in the area. The presence of non-believers was at first an affront to Muhammad's claims that his religion superseded theirs; later, it was an affront to the holiness of the place.Medina was also the capital of the Muslim empire until 661 when it was moved to Damascus. Despite its religious status, this loss of political power caused the city to decline precipitously and it had little influence during the Middle Ages. Medina's modern rise to prominence was again due to politics, not religion: after Britain occupied Egypt, the Ottoman occupiers of the region funneled communications through Medina, transforming it into a major transportation and communication center. Thus the importance, decline, and growth of Medina was always dependent upon the political situation, not on religion or religious beliefs.Dome of the Rock The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is a Muslim shrine which stands where the first Jewish temple is believed to have stood, where Abraham tried to sacrifice his son to God, and where Muhammad ascended into heaven in order to receive God's commandments. For Muslims this is the third holiest site for pilgrimage, after Mecca and Medina. It may be the oldest surviving example of early Islamic architecture and is modeled after the Christian Church of the Holy Sepulchre, located nearby. Control of the site is a hotly contested issue for Muslims and Jews.Many devout Jews would like to see the mosques torn down and the Temple reconstructed in their place, but this would destroy one of the holiest sites of Islam and lead to a religious war of unprecedented proportions. True Believers have gathered together in a variety of Third Temple societies in active preparation, even going so far as to prepare the precise clothing, coinage, and sacrificial implements needed for use in a rebuilt Temple. Stories have spread among Muslims that the creation of Israel was the first step in an apocalyptic process which will culminate in the total triumph of Islam over all the world.The Dome of the Rock is thus one of the best examples of Avalos' argument about how reli gions create false scarcities which encourage violence. There are no natural resources on this site which humans might be expected to fight over — no oil, water, gold, etc. Instead, people are willing to launch an apocalyptic war simply because they all believe that the site is â€Å"holy† to them and, therefore, that only they should be allowed to control and build upon it. Hebron The city of Hebron is holy for both Muslims and Jews because it contains the â€Å"Cave of the Patriarchs,† supposedly a tomb for Abraham and his family.During the Six Day War of June, 1967, Israel seized Hebron along with the rest of the West Bank. After this war, hundreds of Israelis settled in the area, creating conflict with thousands of Palestinian neighbors. Because of this, Hebron has become a symbol of Israeli-Palestinian hostilities — and thus of interreligious strife, suspicion, and violence. It's not possible for both Jews and Muslims to have exclusive control of Heb ron and neither group is willing to share control. It's only because of the insistence of both that the city is â€Å"holy† that they fight over it at all, though.Mashhad Mashhhad, Iran, is the site for the burial places and shrines for all twelve of the imams revered by the Twelver Shia Muslims. These holy men, believed to be a source of sanctity, are all martyrs because they were murdered, poisoned, or otherwise persecuted. It wasn't Christians or Jews who did this, though, but other Muslims. These shrines to the early imams are treated by Shia Muslims today as religious symbols, but if anything they are symbols for the ability of religion, including Islam, to encourage violence, brutality, and division among believers. QomQom, Iran, is an important pilgrimage site for the Shi'a because of the burial sites of numerous shahs. The Borujerdi mosque is opened and closed each day by government guards who praise Iran's Islamic government. It is also the site of Shia theology trai ning — and thus also of Shia political activism. When the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran from exile, his first stop was Qom. The city is thus as much a political shrine as it is a religious one, a monument to authoritarian politics and the authoritarian religion which provides politics with existential justification. –>

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Globalization of Mcdonald’s

Leading the Global Enterprise System Abstract The organization chosen is McDonald’s. McDonald’s is a multibillion dollar corporation that has concurred the fast food industry around the globe. McDonald’s has grow by expanding into new competitive spaces, attaining a complex mixture of financial knowledge, custom understanding, developing material and knowledge assets, to expand the market possibilities and replicating and standardizing their practices to be duplicated in similar markets across the globe.McDonalds as a western corporation had to make adjustments in the way they think and react to situations and customs. This paper will demonstrate how McDonald’s developed an open-mindness on the part of their leadership. Outline and Annotated Bibliography Globalization A. Introduction 1. The globalization of a multi-billion dollar corporation. 2. This paper will provide a guide through a corporation that addresses its western effect on other nations through food. B. Points of discussion 1. Anti-globalization movement against the west. . There are several reasons why leadership fails to support the organization and its goals. 3. Increasing performance through deep change. 4. The Five stage approach competency model. C. Conclusions 1. Lack of leadership coupled with cultural sensitivity can provide success or failure. 2. Further research into developing leadership styles that would support and enhance the service provided in other non western nations. Introduction McDonald’s a multi-billion dollar corporation that utilizes local employees in each community.The mega giant has developed a tier of progression of success as it has an on going development of a component of the corporation’s strategic plan to educate their managers and line level employees. This occurs by developing a nurturing and ever developing environment for its staff. As such, McDonald’s has demonstrated its dedication throughout its globalization a cross the street and around the world through the development of a university designed to teach the managers how to lead. The Hamburger University is designed to teach basic management skills with an emphasis on consumer’s behavior and leadership skills.The university also focuses on restaurant specific skills to operate a specific restaurant in a particular geographic location. The utilization of the university has lead to the development of a global leadership program. In turn it has strengthened the management staff that supports its line workers in an achievement –oriented environment. The employees can meet with their managers to be challenged and empowered to find the solutions. This paper will address the techniques and measured outcomes of the globalization of the multi-billion Dollar Corporation and how it develops the staff through the leadership and training it provides.Culture (from the Latin cultural stemming from colere, meaning â€Å"to cultivate† )[1] generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. Cultures can be â€Å"understood as systems of symbols and meanings that even their creators contest, that lack fixed boundaries, that are constantly in flux, and that interact and compete with one another†[2] Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation.Culture has been called â€Å"the way of life for an entire society. â€Å"[3] As such, it includes codes of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, norms of behavior such as law and morality, and systems of belief as well as the art. (Wikipedia, 2008)) Cultural diversity is explaining the differences between people, such as language, the way they dress and traditions and the way societies organize themselves, their conception of morality and religion, and the way they interact with the environment. (Wikipedia, 2008) Cultural competence refers to an ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures.Cultural competence comprises four components: (a) Awareness of one's own cultural worldview, (b) Attitude towards cultural differences, (c) Knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and (d) cross-cultural Skills. Developing cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures. Globalization Globalization is defined as the process of social, political, economic, cultural, and technological integration among countries around the world. (Hodgetts, Luthans, Doh) This process has occurred in almost every nation across the globe.Globalization has influenced international interaction of various cultures in order to exchange and educated other parts of the world. This process is designed to trade the culture’s services, ideas and products. Moreover, the enc ouragement of globalization has a significant impact on the political and economic involvement throughout the world. A major influence of globalization is food. Styles of foods are easily globalized throughout the world as each of us is made up of some sort of hybrid of a different culture. It is not uncommon for a grandmother to make a dish from the â€Å"old country† during a festive holiday.The consumption and preparation of the dish in its original ethnic form is what allows the globalization to continue throughout the generations. If changes occur to the originality of the food its cultural beliefs are somewhat diminished. McDonald’s a multi-billion dollar mega corporation decided to go global with the westernized fast food industry into foreign countries. This transformation bought one of the US most beloved foods to other geographical locations and impacted a generation. Most cultures infrequently accepted such a new concept of a food so its introduction was unf amiliar and extremely different.McDonald’s was the first corporation to introduce new eating habits and changes to other nations. As the introduction occurred throughout the world Catherine Schnaubelt wrote in her study that â€Å"McDonald’s has over 1. 5 million franchises in the United States and about half of the total franchises are outside the U. S. in over 120 countries. † As a result of the widespread introduction of McDonald’s the company has demonstrated its willingness to conform to the local culture by the pervasive enhances rather than contaminate its culture.As a result of these enhances McDonald’s has permitted most of the foreign franchises to be locally owned and operated however utilizing the core values of the corporation without creating undesirable affects on the culture. This is called franchising. A franchise is a business arrangement under which one party (the franchisor) allows another (the franchisee) to operate an enterpri se using its trademark, logo, product line, and methods of operation in return for a fee. (Hodgetts, Luthans, Doh) With that said, the individual culture and norms are integrated within the menu.This includes the religious and the culture’s diversity. However, in some nations McDonald’s is viewed as the west and its global movement away from long-established culturally based foods towards the consumption of fast food. This process Americanizes the culture it infiltrates by the restructuring of the local diet at some level. This infiltration is viewed in a negative manner by some and as hip by the younger generation that is exposed to more of American development through movies, music and the internet. Anti-GlobalizationIn 1999 a French farmer named Jose Bove of Brazil ransacked a McDonald’s only to become a hero to anti-globalization. His emergence at anti-globalization gatherings across the world and even in the US has given him overnight fame for his intrepid move in destroying a McDonald’s restaurant. Bove’s aspiration came from the desire to support the local farmers and to stop the destruction of the fields by extracting the goods and mixing them with unhealthy chemicals to enhance the flavor. Eric Schlosser (2002), states that â€Å"By eating like Americans people all over the world are beginning to look more like Americans, at least in one respect.The United States has one of the highest obesity rates of any industrialized nation in the world. † (p. 240). â€Å"As people eat more meals outside the home, they consume more calories, less fiber and more fat. † (p. 241). The introduction of unhealthy foods and eating habits of foreign foods into outside cultures radically affects the traditional culture found in the nation’s foods despite McDonald’s attempt to incorporate the nation’s culture and religious beliefs in the menu. Many Europeans worry about globalization's effects on their fo od from the west.However, the prominent anti-globalization movement is actually a small minority. In fact, a clear majority of Europeans, especially the young, accepts that increasing global economic, political, and cultural exchange can enrich their country and their lives. They believe that a strong European Union can help them take advantage of globalization's benefits while shielding them from its negative effects. Despite the views of others some Europeans believe globalization is what is right for Europe. Leadership Competency ModelThe types of leadership perspectives that McDonald’s incorporates in their management is the Leadership Competency Model. The Leadership Competency Model utilizes a leadership appraisal program. Each organization has its own process and culture to nurture its employees. Some processes often fail as they do not provide ownership to the participants and fail to account for the different cultures, climates, and nuances found in every organizatio n. For effective change to take place you must involve the individuals in the development and implementation of any process.This guide uses a five stage approach for building a competency model: * Stage One – Assemble Focus team and create a list of processes. * Stage Two – Build behavioral indicators for each process. * Stage Three – Categorize the data. * Stage Four – Order each category. * Stage Five – Validate your competency model. The first stage in building a Leadership Competency Model is to assemble a Focus Team composed of a cross-functional mix of first-line leaders, middle leaders, and senior leaders.McDonald’s provides the Leadership Competency Model in conjunction with Hamburger University to develop leadership. Graduates from the university and those who participates in the Leadership Competency Model development of processes are considered the experts practitioners in their field. That is, they should be the finest in their f ields. Using interviews, surveys, observations, including information on how individuals act, think, and feel while doing their jobs and other activities, create a list of the major processes and the requirements needed y leaders to disseminate in the workplace. In Stage Two, the members of the team identify the major behavioral indicators for each competency that must be performed to produce the desired outputs. Going through each competency, list the major behavioral indicators (Skills, Knowledge, attitudes) needed for superior performance (normally two to four). These behavioral indicators need to be: *Future-focused rather than need or problem-focused. * Part of a strategic planning or organizational change process model.In Stage Three, you categorize the data to include a leadership competency list divided into three categories, Core, Leadership, and Professional; with the behavioral indicator listed for each process. The core competencies is required of all individuals within the organization, the leadership competencies are specialty items for managers and supervisors, while the professional competencies are specific for each position. The competency list will insure that the chosen behavioral indicators are really the required skills, knowledge, or attitudes.The method used to organize the competencies is reduced to smaller, more manageable bundles of information that can easily be identified and used throughout the organization. Stage Four provides order to each category. Stage Four allows the identification of importance for each category. This allows the opportunity to discard unnecessary or excessive categories from the list. Stage Five allows validation of the instrument. This can be completed by utilizing duplication through replicating the original results: Replicate the original research results.This is done by obtaining another sample of superior performers, conducting interviews, and deriving a competency model. Creating departmental focus gr oups to allow more people to become involved, while at the same time, giving you less information to accumulate. Structured Interviews/Observation: Perform one-on-one interviews and observations with a random number of leaders throughout the organization to determine which competencies they perform and to get their opinions of which ones are the most important for the execution of their job.In order to develop a program to achieve this goal a strategic understanding and planning need to occur. Understanding motivation, the key to success, relates to the adhered interest and involvement in a goal-oriented task by a member of the team. There are a variety of ways to view what rewards affect learning and behavior in the workplace. Two such ways are intrinsic desires and external controls. Intrinsic desire is the desire of the learner to reach mastery of a skill, as well as situational factors, based on personal desires that drive or motivate the employee.External controls are those tha t are governed by the policies and procedures of the organization. These procedures prevent and/or protect the necessity and essence of the organization. Generally, lack of having available the sources of motivation which are the primary reason to retain an employee with a corporation is divided into two categories; each containing a number of components responding to related strategies. McDonald’s has developed a university to combat poor development within the company. In 1961, Fred turner, a former senior chairman and Ray Kroc’s first grillman founded Hamburger University.The university was developed to provide training that emphasized consistent restaurant operations to include procedures, services, quality and cleanliness. It is the company’s global center for training and leadership development. Currently there are more than 5,000 employees that attend the university each year. Since 1961 more than 80,000 managers, mid-managers and owner/operators have gra duated from the university. Hamburger University was developed to foster the company mission to be the best aptitude in each of its employees.For employees who attend the university the hope is to instill Quality, Services, Cleanliness and Value (QSC;amp;V). Increasing Performance| | | | To attain excellence, an individual, group or organization must care enough about an activity to insist that it fully meets and exceeds the demands of its audience (either internal or external), and this involves a fair amount of risk. (Leslie, J. Velsor, E 1996) McDonald’s utilizes the five stage approach for building a competency model as a means to devise a road map of development for the employees within the company.The utilization of Hamburger University, the five stage approach and grasping the view of the Quality, Services, cleanliness and Value (QSC;amp;V) gives the employees the opportunity to reach for a deep change for success. Leadership and Culture Sensitivity Despite notable pro gress in the overall acceptance of globalization there continues to be continuing disparities in effects of the west emerging into other cultures. The acceptance status among the east and others compared to the U. S. opulation as a whole shows a vast difference in how corporations such as McDonalds can grow globally. In addition, the global system is becoming more challenged as the population becomes more ethnically diverse. Therefore, the future of globalization in areas such as China will be directly impacted by the influence of McDonalds to the social economical environment to provide substantial improvements. Cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and economic differences impact how individuals and groups access and use globalized products.They can also present barriers to effective communication between the leader and the employee if there is a lack of understanding of the language, culture or norms. This is especially true when leader’s stereotypes, misinterpret, make faulty ass umptions, or otherwise mishandle their encounters with employees who are viewed as different in terms of their backgrounds and experiences. The demand for culturally competent leaders in the United States is a direct result of the need for leaders to handle operations that have gone global.The term cultural competence refers to the ability to work effectively with individuals from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, or in settings where several cultures coexist. It includes the ability to understand the language, culture, and behaviors of other individuals and groups, and to make appropriate recommendations. Cultural competence exists on a continuum from incompetence to proficiency. Cultural sensitivity, which is a necessary component of cultural competence, means that leaders make a significant effort to be aware of and understand the culture in which they work.Cultural competence cannot be achieved through short workshops or classes. A long-term commitment is required to le arn a second language and become familiar with other cultures to deliver an effective service for the ethnically diverse world and the potential and actual cultural factors that affect their interactions with a client. It also means that they are willing to design programs and materials and implement those programs to make recommendations that are culturally relevant and culturally specific. The terms cultural competence and culturally effective and are sometimes used synonymously.Culturally effective training is, indeed, related to cultural competence and cultural sensitivity. However, it goes beyond these concepts in describing the dynamic relationship between leader and employee. Effective communication between leaders and employees may be even more challenging when linguistic barriers exist. Cultural competence is a developmental process that requires a long-term commitment. It is not a specific end product that occurs after a two-hour workshop, but it is an active process of le arning and practicing over time. Becoming culturally competent is discuss than to implement.Individuals working with different ethnic and cultural groups can become more culturally competent by advancing through three main stages: developing awareness, acquiring knowledge, and developing and maintaining cross-cultural skills. Developing cultural awareness includes recognizing the value of the population and its cultural diversity. It also means an honest assessment of one's biases and stereotypes to include limits of their understanding. One can never learn enough about another culture. However, acquiring knowledge about other groups is the foundation of cultural competence.In addition to understanding other cultures, it is essential to understand how different cultural groups view themselves. Knowledge of another culture includes assessments of facts to include relevant norms, values, worldviews, and the practicality of everyday life and how that reflects in the business as a whole . Even though the United States is a pluralistic society, most employers have been trained in a mono-cultural tradition. In addition to this some leaders operate as if ethnic and cultural differences are insignificant.Cross-cultural skills are developed through formal training, informal interaction and experience. Organizational Responsibilities It is important for leaders to articulate a commitment to cultural competence and to initiate cultural-competence initiatives. Many companies receive social and legal pressures to do this from different segments of the cultures they impact. The development of professional preparation programs can play a significant role in providing the knowledge and skills for culturally competent leaders.These programs can provide on the job training and other formats developed with the sole purpose of addressing cultural competence and/or cultural sensitivity. They also can provide specific educational components on cultural competence and/or cultural sen sitivity within the program. Trainings and in house development of skills is one thing but leaders need to go beyond educating their employees and providing workshops on cultural sensitivity they must also change institutional policies and procedures.This can be done by constant review and ongoing development of the skills needed. Steps to Becoming Culturally Competent Developing Awareness * Admitting personal biases, stereotypes, and prejudices * Becoming aware of cultural norms, attitudes, and beliefs * Valuing diversity * Willingness to extend oneself psychologically and physically to others * Recognizing comfort level in different situations Acquiring Knowledge * Knowing how your culture is viewed by others * Attending classes, workshops, and seminars about other cultures * Reading about other cultures Watching movies and documentaries about other cultures * Attending cultural events and festivals * Sharing knowledge and experiences with others * Visiting other countries before placement. Developing and Maintaining Cross-Cultural Skills * Making friends with people of different cultures * Establishing professional and working relationships with people of different cultures * Learning another language * Learning verbal and nonverbal cues of other cultures * Becoming more comfortable in cross-cultural situations * Assessing what works and what does not Assessing how the beliefs and behaviors of the cultural group affect the client or family * Learning to negotiate between the person's beliefs and practices and the culture of your profession * Being more flexible * Attending continuing education seminars and workshops * Learning to develop culturally relevant and appropriate programs, materials, and interventions * Learning to evaluate culturally relevant and appropriate programs, materials, and interventions * Ongoing evaluation of personal feelings and reactions Overcoming fears, personal biases, stereotypes, and prejudices *Developing and implementing a st rategy to recruit, retain, and promote qualified, diverse, and culturally competent administrative, and support staff * Promoting and supporting the necessary attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, and skills for staff to work respectfully and effectively with patients and each other in a culturally diverse work environment * Developing a comprehensive strategy to address culturally and linguistically appropriate services, including strategic goals, plans, policies, and procedures * Hiring and training interpreters and bilingual staff Providing a bilingual staff or free interpretation services to customers and employees with limited English skills * Translating and making available commonly used educational materials in different languages * Developing structures and procedures to address cross-cultural ethical and legal conflicts, complaints, or grievances. While cultural competence has increased significantly, there is still much to be done on the personal, organizational, and societal levels. Education and training to enhance the ability of a culturally effective leader must be integrated into lifelong learning.Through these activities, current and future leaders will be prepared to meet the needs of cultures from across the street and around the world. Conclusion In conclusion, globalization through the fast food industry has allowed the west to develop in other countries. McDonalds has been a dominating force in the immergence of western culture. The globalization within the food industry is not always received warmly by everyone in other nations. The fast food industry offers food items that change or may violate religious or cultural beliefs.However, McDonald’s has taken extreme efforts to develop a corporation that offers education and training to all of the employees. This training gives each restaurant the opportunity to develop within the five stage model utilized for leadership. By allowing restaurants to be locally owned by other nations through franchising allows for community owned companies. This thus allows them to drive changes in the menu to support the traditions and religious beliefs. With local owned restaurants it’s difficult to believe that there would be any resistance through anti-globalization.Anti-globalization only impedes global progress and can cause significant economic issues. McDonalds as a global leader has been successful in the development of its staff and support in the community.References | | Kaye, B and Jordon-Evans (1997) Love’em or Lose’em: Getting Good People to Stay O’Hagan, K. (2007) â€Å"Social Work Practice: â€Å"A Practical Guide for Professionals. † Jessica Kinglsey Publishers, 15 – 19 Northouse, P. (2007) Leadership Theory and Practice Sage Publications. Hodgetts, R. , Luthans, F. 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